Black Box is a creative visualization deck of 10 playing cards for all ages. Visualization can reduce stress, increase focus, and foster inspiration and creativity. Black Box uses language patterns and visualization prompts taken from the field of hypnosis. Light a candle, dim the lights, lay back, and allow the descriptive inductions to guide your visualization journeys.
Black Box is the first edition in Edna Press's Split Folio series, which commissions London-based authors and artists to collaborate with authors and artists from outside London towards works that uniquely integrate text and image. The series' title irreverently co-opts business language, with 'split folio' traditionally referring to the splitting of expenses by an employee while traveling: the employer reimburses lodging and meals, but incidental expenses that make business travel tolerable (mini-bar purchases, in-room movies, long-distance phone calls) must be made on the employee's dime. Split Folio #2 will be released in early 2020.
Black Box: The Objectless Perception Game (Split Folio #1)